Our class rooms are equipped with constant, ubiquitous connectivity and are updated with technology so that learners may be able to adjust as early as possible with the changes happening now a days. The College has well designed and equipped air conditioned classrooms having adequate space. Bespoke audio/visual aids, LCD projectors, interactive board, laptop, portable sound system make the learning experience a world class one. Class tests on weekly or fortnightly pattern, quizzes, presentation etc. are some regular features of our classrooms. Both theoretical and practical centric classroom teachings are encouraged to ensure better learning experience.
The use of technology in the classroom can enhance learning. There’s a whole world of tools online that allow teachers to provide more skill-building knowledge than ever before. Keeping this view the college management pays keen interest on practical exposure to students with information technology.
The College houses three extra large state of the art computer labs equipped with modern technical aids, having more than 300 computers, interconnected over LAN through Lenovo server. The computers are connected to WIFI connectivity. All three labs are sufficient to provide one to one sitting/usage facility on computers for unlimited duration. The students are given ‘free hours on computer for open exercise of their knowledge’. There is additional Computer Organisation Lab for practical exposure on hardware, its organisation and architecture.

The College library is a power house of information for faculty members, students, researchers and anyone associated with the institution.Accessibility to knowledge resources from diverse sources, countries and authors facilitate better learning environment. Keeping this in view the library of the College under the guidance of a professor in- charge has been made well furnished and attempts are taken rigorously to achieve excellence. The library subscribes to 52 Indian and 21 foreign journals and has got 65,000 volumes.
The library also have e- books and e-journals of national and International repute. A large number of volumes of current publications are added every year. It also boasts of housing back volumes of elite publications including Harvard Business Review etc. The library has more than 200 CDs and VCDs, annual reports, newsletters, research publications, Ph.D. thesis, and project reports for the benefit of the researchers. The ‘open access system’ facilitates free accessibility to books on-the-shelf in contrast to off the shelf accessibility. The library has been modernised by installing Computerised Library Information System for faster access to information.
The College is armed with”in-house” service of UCO Bank, a nationalised bank, to ease money matters of the students. Syndicate Bank located 350 metres away from the college also serves the needs of students. Alliance with the University Branch of State Bank of India is another advantage. The Banks provide educational loan to the students.

Madan Mohan Jha Memorial Merit Scholarship In the memorable honour of Late Madan Mohan Jha, Former Principal Secretary, Education Department, Govt. of Bihar for his contribution in the field of education, the college is awarding Merit Scholarship of Rs. 24,000 (twenty four thousand) since 2008 to the students who have been admitted in MBA with highest MAT score.
Other Scholarship
The students of this college awarded scholarship from Govt. of Bihar and Bihar State Minorities Corporation as per their rules. In addition Mahindra Finance has also awarded Scholarship to some students selected on the basis of their performance in selection test conducted by them.
To meet any eventuality, the College provides first aid medical support to students, faculty and staff. The College hastie-up with medical practitioners/consultants to provide free medical care to students as and when required.